Zero tolerance
MTN Rwanda has zero tolerance for unethical behaviour, including fraud and any other misconduct
Employee’s responsibility
All employees, customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders have a moral and ethical responsibility to report unethical behaviour
Duty to report
Employees, customers, suppliers, partners and other stakeholders are encouraged to report unethical behaviour via one of the below channels
MTN Rwanda has a dedicated whistle-blowing policy that governs the whistleblowing process.
Where and how to report
Deloitte Tip-offs anonymous
- Independently managed by Deloitte;
- Available 365/24/7; and
- Available to all stakeholders.
Report via:
- Phone – +2731 571 5243 (SA) / 37283
- Email –
- Website –
What to report
- Any instances of, inter alia, misconduct, fraud, theft, bribery, corruption, conflicts of interest, Sexual harassment, contravention of company PPPs;
- Not a complaints line;
- No malicious calls are tolerated; and
- Ensure that your report contains as much information as possible to enable GFS or the local FS teams to investigate the matter accordingly.
Options for anonymity
- Completely anonymous: The whistle-blower does not disclose any personal details and they cannot be contacted for additional information.
- Partially anonymous: The whistle-blower discloses their personal details to Deloitte but not to MTN. MTN can request Deloitte to contact the whistle-blower for more information.
- Confidential disclosure: The whistle-blower discloses their details but their details are only shared with relevant stakeholders.