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Board of Directors

MTN acknowledges that an effective board must have the expertise and competence to promptly and appropriately address current and emerging issues to ensure the delivery of our strategy. A clear division of responsibilities at the head of the company ensures a balance of authority. No individual has unfettered powers of decision-making, and no block of individuals can dominate the Board. Our Board Charter stipulates that operation of the Board and the executive responsibility for running the business are separate tasks.

Mapula Bodibe

Executive Director, Chief Executive Officer MTN Rwandacell PLC

Mark Nkurunziza

Executive Director, Chief Finance Officer

Michael Fleischer

Independent Non-Executive Director

Karabo Nondumo

Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairperson of Audit and Risk Committee

Julien Kavaruganda

Independent Non-Executive Director, Chairperson of the Nominating and Remuneration Committee

Faustin K. Mbundu

Independent Non-Executive Director Chairperson of the Board of Directors

Yolanda Cuba

Non-Executive Director Vice President, SEA Region, MTN Group Limited

Wanda Matandela

Non-Executive Director, Chief Commercial Operations Officer at MTN South Africa

Peace M Uwase

Independent, Non-Executive Director

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